来听宇宙和洋洋的探索故事。Come hear the stories about Ethan and Evan's discoveries on their adventures!

Book Launch of “Have You Seen The Turtle?” and “What Happened to Goldie?”

These bilingual books are from “The Little Detectives” series and they are supported by the Lee Kuan Yew Fund For Bilingualism.

顽皮的乌龟到底藏在哪里呢?晶晶又为什么不见了?这两本双语版书籍是属于 ”The Little Detectives" 系列,同时也是由李光耀双语基金会支持。5月27日,让这两本双语儿童故事书和你分享快乐和有趣的祖孙生活,同时也激发孩子的想象力。


Have You Seen The Turtle?
One evening, the boys were startled by a scratching sound coming from the drain. When they investigated, they were pleasantly surprised to see a turtle poking its head out of the leaves in the drain. Aware that it could be somebody’s pet, the boys rescued the turtle and placed it in a box to wait for its owner to come and take it back. But over the next three days, the turtle would go missing, and the boys embarked on a seek and rescue mission until they found it. Meanwhile, no one came to claim the missing pet. On the fourth day, it went
missing again, and it could not be found for the next few days until one morning… the boys found it. You would never have guessed where it went.



What Happened To Goldie?
Grandpa bought a gold-coloured baby koi fish for the boys to add to the fish in the pond. It is the smallest fish but it looked pretty swimming with the rest of the fish. The boys loved it and named it Goldie. They enjoyed looking at it every day. But one day, they could not see Goldie. What happened to it? Did someone take it away? That’s the mystery the boys set out to solve. They thought about the possible culprits, and they eliminated the possibilities one by one until they found the answer. But not before upsetting the “suspects.”







