Asiapac Books 亚太图书


"Nice to Meet You!" : A Singapore Comics Anthology

"Nice to Meet You!" is a showcase of the wonderful diversity available in the local comics scene. It is a space for anyone with a story to tell. It is a statement to the potential future of comics here in Singapore, and this anthology is only the beginning.

Get to know the various upcoming cartoonists in "Nice to Meet You!": A Singapore Comics Anthology, the first issue of COMIX.SG's annual comics anthology. In a collection of brand-new comics ranging from light-hearted comedy to complex storylines, this first issue puts all stylistic differences aside. Allow these emerging artists to introduce themselves and their work to you, all on their own terms.

Store link:  ASIAPAC BOOKS
Zshop:  LINK


港台的总销售量超过100万本,新加坡销量则每一卷近三万本。《神雕侠侣》除了出版中英文版,还在韩国、泰国、印尼出版。这个屡获殊荣的武漫画系列将由黄展鸣重新设计,从18卷重新包装成6个精美的精装卷。该产品仅包含:- 全部六卷 | 精装,简体中文版- 限量亲笔签名书牌- 限量珍藏盒(中文版设计)

- 全部六卷 | 精装,简体中文版
- 限量亲笔签名书牌
- 限量珍藏盒(中文版设计)

Store link:  ASIAPAC BOOKS
Zshop:  LINK


Complete Analects of Confucius 3

The Analects of Confucius is the gem in the crown of Chinese classics. It has been made a basic textbook of Chinese education for more than 2,000 years. In just 12,000 characters, The Analects of Confucius covers a wide scope ranging from politics and management to education, art and morality. This exhaustive compilation of the sage's sayings and dialogues with his disciples makes it indispensable material for a comprehensive study of the thoughts and person of Confucius.

Packed with both English translations and its modern Chinese paraphrase, this classical text has been produced together with the humorous depiction by cartoonist Jeffrey Seow, this rendition of Confucius' sayings promises enrichment and undiminishing delights! The Complete Analects of Confucius volume 1 & 2 are also available.

Store link:  ASIAPAC BOOKS
Zshop:  LINK


Sacred Guardians

A sudden invasion by a powerful demon threatens ancient Southeast Asia and the whole world. Dev, a mythical and immortal being from the island of Tumasik, must now race against time to gather the five chosen by the Sacred Guardian Spirits in order to fight this terrifying threat. Follow Dev on his epic quest to different areas of the region as he attempts to gather the Sacred Guardians, who would become the last hope of mankind.

SACRED GUARDIANS is the comic book prequel story to Sacred Guardian Singa: A Singapore Superhero Project, and is illustrated by Alan Bay - artist behind Once Upon a Singapore... Traders and Pioneers of Singapore!

Store link:  ASIAPAC BOOKS


Elizabeth Choy: Her Story

On 15 November 1943, the Japanese would approach Elizabeth Choy Su-Moi. ‘You are allowed to meet the husband we arrested,’ they said. ‘You can even bring him a blanket for his prison cell.’
However, what she thought was an innocent visit would turn into almost 200 days of unimaginable horror and lasting psychological scars.

In this all-new graphic novel adaptation, find out how Elizabeth Choy grew to become the person who would endure such an experience, and into the larger-than-life hero we know today. How did she end up on the tiny island of Singapore, when her childhood home was in the lush forests of North Borneo (now Sabah)?
What was her role in the community before and during the Japanese Occupation? How did she survive her internment at the hands of the Japanese?

Store link:  ASIAPAC BOOKS
Zshop:  LINK


The Legend of Mazu 妈祖的传说

Mazu, the beloved goddess and protector of the seas, began her life as a mortal girl in the coastal town of Meizhou. With extraordinary abilities and compassion, she defeated evil demons, saved countless lives, and ascended into immortality. Tales of her virtue, piety, and miraculous deeds spread throughout China and–over centuries–the entire world.

In this bilingual lianhuanhua-style 连环画 comic book, Mazu's adventures are brought to life with stunning illustrations by artist Koh Chin Tong. Be mesmerised by her mythology and gain new insight into the culture of overseas Chinese.

Store link:  ASIAPAC BOOKS
Zshop:  LINK


中华谚语精选 Zhong Hua Yan Yu Jing Xuan


Store link:  ASIAPAC BOOKS
Zshop:  LINK


Strategies from the Three Kingdoms

The Three Kingdoms, a foremost Chinese historical novel, has exemplified famous enactments in military strategies:

- Leave one side of the net open
- Lure the tiger out of the mountain
- Murder with a borrowed knife
- Chain the enemy with a fleet of boats

Such stratagems are also depicted in the award-winning movie production Red Cliff, which celebrates the ingenuity of the strategist Zhuge Liang against the schemes and wiles of commander Cao Cao.  Not surprisingly, these age-old tactics are the epitome of wisdom and have gained a commanding position in the corporate world. Be it business, science, technology, politics or leisure, each of these strategies will equip you to face the challenges at work, in the marketplace and even in the sports arena.

Store link:  ASIAPAC BOOKS
Zshop:  LINK


Pioneers of Singapore

We always hear the names Raffles or Farquhar whenever we discuss Singapore’s early history. But what of the many other pioneers who were just as important? What are their stories?
Accompanied by lively, charming illustrations, Pioneers of Singapore brings you the accounts of thirty-five key figures in Singapore’s colonial history. Some of them include:
Who broke up one of the biggest communal riots in Singapore?
Who founded the first hospital in Singapore that was built entirely without help from the government?
Who produced the first comprehensive map of Singapore and designed most of its early buildings?

Read on as our forefathers come to life with the help of comic artist Alan Bay (Once Upon a Singapore… Traders)’s beautiful artwork, as the 2004 bestseller returns in an all-new coloured edition!

Store link:  ASIAPAC BOOKS
Zshop:  LINK


ECM - Improving Blood Circulation 中药精识:活血止痛 (中英对照)

《内经》有论:“六腑以通为用”,“不通则痛,通则不痛”。日常生活中,我们常遇到各种痛症和病症。究其原因,气血不畅阻挠了我们人体机能的正常活动。气滞血瘀是引起人体多种痛症的重要原因。怎么办?--活血化瘀。凡是以通畅行血,消散瘀血为主要作用的药,称为活血化瘀药。它可以分为活血止痛药、活血调经药、活血疗伤药和破血消症药。《 活血止痛》为《中药精识》系列第3册。本书图文介绍了常用活血化瘀药、止血药以及收涩药共52味,通过中英解析,为您提供了缓减病痛困扰的各种药物常识。并由新加坡本地资深中医师,新加坡中医学研究院院长郭美伶女士为您精心挑选了相关的药膳50例加以保健配合,帮助读者在治疗和保健过程中对各类活血止血药物有了更一步的了解和应用。“今天我很快乐!所有的痛都远离了我--头痛、胸痛、胃痛、腹痛、腰痛、痛经……全没有了。”

Learn about herbs that help improve blood circulation and alleviate blood-related aches and pains. Features 52 home recipes for health and vitality.
This series is written and compiled by top academics from the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, and is suitable for both health practitioners as well as laymen. You will be able to:

- Tell the characteristic of medicinal herbs
- Know the usage and dosage of the herbs
- Differentiate the genuine from fake herbs
- Prepare herbal dishes to boost health and vitality

Store link:  ASIAPAC BOOKS
Zshop:  LINK